
The Dunsfold Collection is managed by a board of trustees. The board is chaired by Philip Bashall who is the general manager of the Collection. The other trustees are Richard Beddall, who is the co-owner of Land Rover Experience London, Gary Pusey, who is one of the co-authors of 'First Fifty', the definitive history of the Prototype, Pre-production and Press Launch Range Rovers, and Andrew Munden, who is secretary of the Land Rover Register 1948-1953 and Norfolk area rep for the Land Rover Series One Club. Philip, Richard, Gary and Andrew are lifelong Land Rover enthusiasts. 

The Collection also relies heavily on Volunteers from among the Friends of the Collection, whose hard work and dedication make our biennial Open Weekend possible. Josh Richardson is our assistant curator, working closely with Philip on vehicle servicing and building and site maintenance.

Jan and John Richardson are in charge of event hospitality, providing a friendly welcome and tea, coffee and cakes to our private tour guests, as well as managing the preparation and sale of bacon rolls, tea, coffee, cakes, and soft drinks at our public open days.

Greg King is crew chief for the Collection archive, arranging working parties of volunteers to examine, file and catalogue the vast quantity of material in out archive rooms. Paul New leads event resourcing, a critical role that ensures we have the right volunteer teams in place for our public events, covering guest welcome, car parking, merchandise sales, and museum building guides and stewards. John Mill is in charge of vehicle preparation, which is about ensuring that our vehicles look their best for our visitors.

Alistair Williamson provides invaluable help on estate and property management, and Paul Whitehead is our health and safety expert. Rick Watts and his team are our building maintenance specialists.

We are always keen to hear from anyone who feels able to help, so if you have the time and the interest, or any specialist skills that you feel will be helpful, please do not hesitate to get in touch!

We would like to thank photographers Craig Pusey and Nick Dimbleby for most of the images of the vehicles in the Collection.