Tremendous weekend at the Land Rover Show

Monday 29th June 2015

Tremendous weekend at the Land Rover Show

The Dunsfold Collection displayed eight vehicles: the 50/50 Challenge Defender 110 known affectionately as 'Goldilocks', the last-off-line Discovery 1, the half-millionth Range Rover and the Farmer's Friend, together with four Velars. Chris Elliot of the Range Rover Register had put out an appeal to the owners of pre-production Range Rovers to attend in force to mark the 45th anniversary of the launch of the original Range Rover in June 1970. With Dunsfold's contribution Chris managed an impressive line-up of 13 Velars, although it was a shame that the Heritage Motor Centre's YVB 153H remained tucked away in the museum.

The Collection vehicles were displayed in the arena on both Saturday and Sunday mornings, and Richard Beddall did sterling work commentating alongside Diana Tigwell. We were delighted that Richard had the opportunity to interview Geof Miller, Roger Crathorne and Chris Elliot during the Velar parade and hear more about their experiences and long association with many of the Velars present.

JLR's Group Engineering Director, Nick Rogers, called in on Saturday in his immaculate 1972 Range Rover and enjoyed it so much he returned on Sunday in one of his Land Rover Series 1s.

We could not have managed to present such an impressive selection of Collection vehicles without the generous help and support of volunteers from the Friends of the Collection, and we are grateful to them for helping transport the vehicles and for manning our exhibition stand throughout the weekend.